This website has been inspired by Whittier College Attorney and Trustee Ernie Z. Park, President Sharon D. Herzberger, Vice-President Janice A. Legoza, Dean Andre Coleman, former Campus Safety Assistant Chief John Lewis, the 2004-2005 and 2006-2007 Quaker Campus staffs, Nicola Christie Jagessar and the so-called Poetic Justice League. The following individuals are Whittier College Trustees, responsible for substandard conditions and overcrowding, and new building undermining tradition; the health and safety and environmental hazard stadium artificial turf installation; Campus Safety's conflicts of interest, failure to protect and serve, and crimes; for practices promoting alcohol and drug abuse, vandalism, assault and sexual assault; exploiting Hispanic students and defrauding the federal Hispanic-Serving Institutions program; the loss of academic integrity and the value of Whittier College degrees, among many other disservices: Chairman: Donald J. Herrema Secretary: Ruth B. Shannon Treasurer: Vincent J. Daigneault Trustees: James M. Brown, Derek M. F. Chan, Kristine E. Dillon, Peter E. Feinberg, Richard I. Gilchrist, Barbara Ondrasik Groce, Carey Baker Halio, Willard V. Harris, Jr., Wayne S. Harvey, Yukiyasu Hayashi, Caroline Patterson Ireland, Edwin Y. Keh, William Larsen, Alan H. Lund, David D. Mandarich, James E. Mitchell, Ernie Z. Park, James R. Parks, Richard S. Ruben, Geoffrey C. Shepard, Geraldine Beaty Shepherd, Kate E. Wiley Alumni Trustee: Mei-lan E. Stark Alumni Association Trustee: Steven Weston Whittier College President: Sharon D. Herzberger whittiergate has exempted Trustee Alice Darling Lowe from responsibility because she graduated in 1937 and is an honest individual. RIP Alice Darling Lowe (Died April 2009) The following individuals are no longer Trustees of Whittier College: Steven C. Ai, Shane Gad Cox, John H. Crow, Susan D. Gotsch, Kenneth S. Greenbaum, Alan Gregory, Charles E. Hawley, Jr., Tim Lambirth, Jan Legoza, Lisa Meyer, Ed Petersen, Rachel Rice, Elizabeth Power Robison, Willard W. Shepherd, Sr., Judith A. Swayne and Dennis Welch. Congratulations.Let's meet the remaining Whittier College Trustees... To begin with, Pensiongate net closes in on Alfred Villalobos, while Geoffrey C. Shepard still defends Dick Nixon, and strong case against David D. Mandarich is dismissed after 'accidental' death of judge's daughter..CLICK HERE .....UDPATE: Trustee Alfred Villalobos dumped by Whittier College! Who's next? Any other Trustees who wish to be exempted from the list of those responsible for Whittier College's immoral, unethical, and criminal practices are welcome to explain to us why he or she should be exempted. Trustees of Whittier College: Save Whittier College from itself, or resign!! |
They're Alive !!! New UPDATED New Campus Safety Scandals Revealed:Assaults, Sexual Assaults, Lawsuits, State Investigations, Kickbacks, and How Campus Safety Got and Stays This Way. But Just How Long Can this Corrupt, Criminal Regime Last?CLICK HERENew: Campus Safety Kickback Contest!
Criminal Chief Alex Out / UPDATE: JOHN LEWIS RESIGNS! Update: Demetra Kimble's out, too! If you believe this... Campus Safety claims that all recent
then you haven't honestly thought "The individual is handicapped by Campus Safety: Fire
John Lewis! See Sharon Herzberger Stumble... Followed byHomecoming Dance Disaster Two 2008 and Stumble, Again... Update: Federal Court Denies Whittier Requests for Relief and to Hide Probation Status from Public; Whittier Law School May Lose Accreditation as early as August 2007 NEWS UPDATE Mirthala quits. Corina speaks. Tony and Betty Lu? Ethnic Cleansing
PROF AND STUDENT FRAUD FILINGS, Whittiergate Comments on The InFamous and Otherwise Unlucky of Whittier College Pensiongate Closes In On Whittier College Trustee Alfred Villalobos NEW Click Here Gay You Might Be Surprised To See What Happens When You Stand Up For Your RightsHonor the Student and Faculty Victims at Virginia Tech: Learn From What Happened to Them |
California Court of Appeal Reversal Exposes Whittier College Misconduct and Crimes to Chill Protected Speech Nicola Jagessar v. Bart
Brown Chronic academic cheat Nicola Jagessar and Whittier College try to silence whistleblower Bart Brown Nicola Jagessar abused as child, received psychiatric treatment in native Trinidad, subject of psychological intervention by Whittier College staff. Brown discovers Jagessar’s cheating, Jagessar threatens Brown’s life, Brown reports Jagessar’s cheating, ethnic Indian gunman tries to murder Brown, Whittier College threatens Brown, prevents publication, then plants disinformation article, denies cheating scandal, libels and defames Brown. Nicola Jagessar, with Whittier College, makes and sustains a false filing by perjury to chill Brown’s protected speech, fails to mislead Court of Appeal Court of Appeal restores Brown’s good reputation, protected speech and petition rights NEW PHOTOS, Whittier College Professsors and Child, 10, Terrorized by Students as Cheating Scandal Turns Violent Professor Anthony Barnstone reports academic misconduct, students retaliate Barnstone art works defaced, threats made, Barnstone’s car keyed and residence attacked Professor Caroline Heldman objects to student misconduct and crimes, Heldman threatened, her car keyed and residence attacked Still more sinister, death and rape threats, underwear left on Heldman’s windshield Whittier College claims to have disciplined offenders, after which two shots are fired through Heldman’s child’s bedroom window Whittier College Safety office and so Whittier P D do nothing, profs, students afraid to speak, Poet pride dies a thousand deaths President Sharon Herzberger "...Herzberger continues to MADD urges student families Whittier College Awash in Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Assault, Sexual Assault and Communicable Diseases, Say Students NEW:
HALL OF SHAME First DisHonorary
![]() No, Sachsen Society Minor Pledges Being Force Fed Alcohol (See The Rock In Background - Where's Campus Safety?!) INSIDE the SACHSEN SOCIETY |
WANTED? Negative Self-Esteem: Free Press Rights Violated, Quaker Campus, No awards Read the Open Letter Quaker Campus didn’t publish: ‘Open Letter: Apologia to and Request of Whittier College Students‘ CLICK HERE to see what a cheating student and Whittier College don’t want you to see, then respond to this website to help us take a bite out of academic misconduct and crime It's not true that cheaters only cheat themselves. Cheaters cheat themselves, family, fellow students, school, community and civil society. Cheaters have no self esteem. Don't make a loser of your self. And don't let cheaters poison you and your community's life. If you can't stop cheating, you're never going to save the world. Academic Integrity, Ethics, and Free Speech/Free Press Links: UPDATED AND
NEW LINKS WalMart Heiress Returns USC Diploma After Cheating Report: EARTHQUAKE !!!
Whittier and Painter, 1987 Whittier Earthquake Previously unknown fault kills 8. Recent research suggests the last place
MORE The |
Whittier College
Richard M. Nixon, Whittier College's prototypical post-Quaker-affiliation student Both men were forced to resign. |
Whittier College, Home of
Dirty Tricks, and What made Richard Nixon such a creep? This is a question historians who care have sought to answer for decades. The answer has been perhaps too obvious. Richard Nixon enrolled at Whittier College as an innocent Quaker boy. Not a year after he was graduated by Whittier College, Nixon was breaking and entering a Duke Law School professor’s office. |
NEW Nixon Fountain Vandalized |
A Whittier College Hero? Michael Heck, the Whittier grad Down with Nixon! Raise Heck!! |
Whittier College Societies Endanger Students Big Brothers Hazing Continues
Despite Denials Dub C Student
Quiz Whittier College Crime Statistics Shock! NEW: Federal Clery Act Violations
Found: Ex-ASWC
President Adam Steinbaugh See Adam Try to Cover His... |
Dub C Paparazzi: Whittier College and the "In order to escape accountability for his/her crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator's first line of defense. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence him absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens." - Judith Lewis Herman
"No More Secrets!" - Tim Leary |
Dick Nixon leaving the |
![]() Mark Felt, the FBI's No. 2 man, AKA Deep Throat, posing for newspaper photographer, 1958 |
"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. ...we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted conceal- ment far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. ...to the press... the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent." - JFK |
Mark Felt, AKA Deep Throat, wrote in his 2006 memoir, A G-Man's Life: The FBI, 'Deep Throat' and the Struggle for Honor in Washington, that "People will debate for a long time whether I did the right thing by helping Woodward. The bottom line is that we did get the whole truth out, and isn't that what the FBI is supposed to do?" Felt's friend, John D. O'Connor, who first divulged Deep Throat's identity in 2005, Whittier College community members harboring dark secrets make a note, observed that Felt "...was a person that went from a divided personality that carried around this heavy secret to a completely integrated and glowing personality over these past few years once he let the secret out." |
Down with Nixon! Raise Heck!! | |||
Disclaimer: This website is not supported or authorized
in any way by Whittier College. This not for profit website is committed to championing academic integrity, our free speech and petition rights, freedom of the press, physical safety and freedom from fear, and reform at Whittier College. www.whittiergate.com: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about Whittier College. |